

Blair Farm, LLC is committed to the long term preservation of the family business by increasing productivity and profitability through efficient and environmentally conscious management.  We take opportunities to encourage, promote, and protect agriculture and related industries whether in the local or international arena.

Beginning Farmer

Originally from Scotland, Neil Blair came to the coal mining town of Lehigh, Iowa i the 1800’s to work in the coal mines. Neil and Margaret (Harper) had 3 children; Sara, Jim and Neil (pictured below).

Born in 1882, Neil Blair (the second) purchased a farm northwest of Dayton, Iowa in 1907. By working hard, he added land and built a reputation for his cattle. Neil and Mable (Leach) had six children; Verlin, Gladas, Russel, Mable (Lorraine), Donald, and Robert.


Neil’s son Donald Blair was the 2nd generation to farm the Blair Farm. He grew the farm through many changes including the addition of soybeans as a cash crop and the end of cattle production. Donald and Marge (Height) had four children; Donald (Guy), Neil, Kelly, and Jane.

International Expansion

Donald’s son Kelly Blair studied Animal Science at Iowa State University and graduated in 1978.  Contract production of pigs brought livestock back to the farm.  In 1996, the Blair farm restructured their business into KR Farm Inc.  KR stands for Kelly and Rebecca Blair.  2002 marked the purchase of a farm in Bahia state in Brazil.  Two partners, a farm family from Colorado, and a farm family from Ontario, Canada, along with the Blair family formed Prairie Cerrado, LLC.  Prairie Cerrado signifies the move from the prairies of North America to the Cerrado region in South America.  Kelly and Rebecca (Muhs) have two sons; A.J. and Patrick.

4th Generation Blair Farm

A.J. and Kellie (Barry) Blair operate the farm today. The farm includes corn, soybeans, alfalfa-hay, small grains, custom fed pigs, cow/calf pairs, and feedlot. AJ and Kellie have 2 children; Wyatt and Charlotte.